November & December 2023

Langrée’s ‘missionary zeal’ brings Thomas’ Hamlet and Opéra-Comique to Cincinnati
by Ken Smith
It marked nearly three decades of missionary zeal in championing Thomas’ work.
ON THE COVER: Standing at the entry to Eden Park is the iconic Elsinore Arch. In 1883, Cincinnati Water Works needed a new valve house near Eden Park (to control water coming down the steep hill), but they wanted to build a structure that would serve as the new main entrance to the glorious Eden Park. As the story goes, Music Hall hosted a Shakespearean Dramatic Festival in the spring of 1883, during which Hamlet was performed. A large (65-by-65 foot) beautifully painted backdrop of Elsinore Castle was part of the production. This backdrop became the inspiration behind the Elsinore Arch, which Charles B. Hannaford, son of Samuel Hannaford of the architectural firm Samuel Hannaford & Sons, built in late 1883. Samuel Hannaford was the architect for Cincinnati Music Hall and City Hall. Credit: Eric Johnson

Welcome from the President and CEO
Welcome to our November and December Fanfare Magazine, and welcome to the holiday season here at the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and Cincinnati Pops. We are glad you are with us.

FIRST OF ALL, this is not your father’s Hamlet, particularly if your family is English.

Flutes to the Front
Randolph Bowman and Henrik Heide sit shoulder to shoulder in the CSO as its principal flute and associate principal flute, respectively. Later this season, they scoot that partnership downstage for the first time, playing Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 alongside concertmaster Stefani Matsuo.

Meet the New Musicians of the CSO
This season, audiences will see five new faces on Music Hall’s stage.

Portrait of the Music Director: Emerging Artist Captures Langrée’s Spirit
The invitation came out of the blue.

In Their Words: A Community Like No Other
If you aren’t familiar with the CSYO, however, here’s what you need to know: The Cincinnati Symphony Youth Orchestra comprises two orchestras—the Philharmonic Orchestra and the Concert Orchestra—and features more than 200 of the region’s most talented young musicians, ranging from grades 8 through 12.

Meet the 2023-24 CSO/CCM Diversity Fellows
Keep reading to meet this year’s cohort of Diversity Fellows and learn about their musical journeys leading up to their time in Cincinnati.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS from the Cincinnati Pops!
Each of us has our own special holiday traditions and favorite memories. Fanfare Magazine caught up with a few of our Orchestra members and asked them to share their holiday stories.

Nov / Dec 2023
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